Searching for a team to play with
Very convenient if you already have company for the game. However, always on the first click to gather friends for the game is an almost impossible task. Search for team members in the intranet turns into a lottery. Sometimes it's a person with great gaming skills, sometimes it's a newcomer. And even more unpredictable is how toxic this player is, whether s/he agrees to participate in the team, and how s/he treats his/her teammates.
You can find the best possible match for the game using Eontribe's neural networks. This process takes a matter of milliseconds. Finally, you can devote your time to the gameplay instead of long scrolling through the search bar. As a result, profiles are displayed that correspond to the requested skills. The displayed profiles also harmonize with other team members in the psychological aspect, because the neural network was developed taking into account the recommendations and schemes of cognitive-behavioral analysis under the supervision of a teacher - a professional psychologist.
Jacob regularly plays online team shooters. His friends have similar hobbies and are often members of his team in the game. They even have their own Discord server dedicated to shooters, innovations in the game world, and discussions of games played.
All members of the group have their own needs and responsibilities, such as studying, going to work or helping loved ones. Because of this, each member's free time schedule is different. Jacob used to just play along with random users. But this led only to irritation and frustration. The team members lacked synergy, and their actions were incoherent and chaotic.
After signing up for the Eontribe platform, Jacob began using case studies to describe how he saw possible partners for the game. Sometimes he wanted players with a lot of experience, and sometimes he just wanted interesting companions to talk to as he played through the games. Eontribe's neural network took all of this into account. Last but not least, the search results for the profiles read their busyness and displayed only those people who were soon available for common games. This list and changes in users' plans or new interests were updated in real time.
Possible partners were not limited to users from the same country. Eontribe's automatic neural network translation was able to translate not only the text, but also the conversations. Thus, the choice of possible team members becomes much wider. However, the final decision is still up to the user, because the neural network follows his instructions.
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